Sugar Damage
We all know it is bad for our teeth. 92% of adults in the U.S. have experienced tooth decay compared to 2% of Nigerians who have low sugar diets.
(1) Sugar makes us fat. Does this need explanation when we eat 146 pounds of it a year? It is an inflammatory food. Inflammation causes leaky gut which leads to numerous other conditions.
Sugar is an anti-nutrient. Offering no significant amounts of vitamins or minerals while robbing your body of precious nutrient stores.
More than 100 million American adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
(2) Sugar promotes yeast growth.
Studies show increased sugar consumption increases your chance of cancer. Cancer loves sugar as much as we do. Cancerous cells can take in 10 times more glucose than healthy cells. The more glucose you take in the more you feed cancerous cells!
(3)It does all this and studies show its addiction.
(4) Sugar can be more addictive and rewarding than cocaine, which is why many people have a hard time stopping themselves from indulging in high-sugar foods.
(5) How do you break your sugar addiction? Simple sugars have simple answers- cut them out. Cutting out soda is a good start. A 20-ounce bottle of soda has 16 teaspoons of sugar! Seems like a no-brainer to cut out the sugar.
But again…. there is more to the story. Can you find the hidden sugars? See if you can in the Hidden Sugars download.
Let's Talk Healthy Swaps
2/3 of the average sugar consumption comes from other sources, so it’s also sneaking into our diets by way of:
salad dressing
beef sticks
canned foods
pasta sauces
fruit drinks
luncheon meats
and other processed foods
Which of these do you eat regularly

One of my favorite "healthy" snacks is protein bars... I checked the back of my Clif bar the other day to see 17 GRAMS OF ADDED SUGAR (YEEEESH).
Be aware of green washing- just because it says healthy doesn't mean you don't still need to do some investigation on added ingredients... especially sugars.